Thursday, May 22, 2008

On Auto-Pilot

For a majority of designers this is a really obvious list of links to mention but, I find myself utilizing most of these (and more I haven't listed) on nearly every one of my projects. They're great design resources that are so basic to me that I probably take them for granted. It got me thinking, what other online resources do other designers rely on? What might I be missing that might help me break out of old habits?

Font ID, search by sight

Free Vector World Maps, just in case you ever need one

Lorem Ipsum, for when you're waiting on content

Silk Icons, free family of 700 tiny icons

Silkscreen, free tiny font

Best Brands of the World, EPS files of most corporate logos

A List Apart, for people who make websites, a great resource for affordable graphics and icons

Frilly Things, a collection by Cameron Moll


ari said... "image bookmarking"
i don't go here all the time but it's all about inspiration.

minmax said...

I use these same darn sites and have been trying to come up with something new and improved, I'd say istockphoto is not as great as it used to be, but still cheap so hard to beat....that is if you can find anything resembling what you are actually looking for